Category: Our services
Hits: 762
We are serving normally even in this period of isolation by CoVid19

We attend normal, physical appointments at our headquarters in São Paulo, always scheduled through our secretary. Specialties served: General Pratices Adult Endocrinology and Metabology Pediatric (Infant) Endocrinology and Metabology Guidelines in Sports Medicine and Sports Training With the advent of the Covid Pandemic 19 and authorization by Ordinance No. 467, OF MARCH 20, 2020, we also started to serve in our areas of knowledge in the videoconference system to allow patient care in isolation and even in distant places, to adequate guidance for patients at high risk of complications with the disease, or Teleinterconsultation for guidance of the non-specialist physician for the proper conduct for the patient.   In the areas of Distance Education and Training, Technical information is posted on this website and information for patients on our information website for lay people


Special diet recipes are posted on the site recipes from